Fastronic - Pulsa, Data & PPOB

by Fastronic Group



This application is to make it easier to top up All Operators & Online Payments, such as PLN, BPJS, PDAM, TELKOM, FIF, WOM, BAF, Pay TV etc. This application is equipped with Online Register features, Online Deposits, and other more interesting features so that without waiting long, anyone can use FastronicFastronic Application Advantages:- Can Register Online,- Can Deposit Online,- Without having big capital,- Relatively Cheaper Prices,- How to make transactions easier,- Look more attractive,- Using the internet network,- All Payment in one application,- More Complete Menu,- Faster Transactions,- Can be used alone or can be resold,- Can be downlined,- a more modern system,- Transaction history can be seen easily,- Can View Product Status,- Can see product prices in real time,Fastronic outlets are located at:- Fastronic Indraprasta (Center):Jl. Indraprasta 90, Semarang, Tel. 0243513261- Fastronic Tlogosari:Jl. Tlogosari Raya I No. 64, Semarang, Tel. 088215296222- Fastronic Fatmawati:Jl. Fatmawati 135C, Semarang, Tel. 088215306222- Fastronic Semeru:Jl. Semeru Raya 14A, Semarang,Website :